Friday, December 14, 2012

A pathetic first attempt

So...I'm new to this world of blogging, I had never intended to blog, but the other day when I was with a good friend thrifting we found an amazing dress and she said it was totally something to blog about. It got me thinking, I get bored sometimes and things excite me, I'm too lazy to make a vlog, but I might as well share my joys with the world wide web for any who dare to read my ramblings. So here I am...mainly because of my friend's comment and a new eyeshadow kit I bought that thrilled me. Let's see how this goes.


I bought this amazing eyeshadow kit for only $10 at Target and I am super excited to try out all the new colors and see what lovely masterpieces I can paint on my lids. I don't really have anything excited to say....hmmm this is not going to well so far. Sad. Better luck next time.